Saturday, June 20, 2009

RUT Iron Condor Hi Prob June Update #2

RUT price has traded in a narrow range so I was able to let my last contract expire worthless. Overall this was a nice trade with little movement.

5/12 STO 3 RUT JUN 570/580 Call $0.80
5/12 STO 3 RUT JUN 410/400 Put $0.85
6/3 BTC 2 RUT JUN 570/580 Call $0.50
6/3 BTC 2 RUT JUN 410/400 Put $0.12
6/19 expire worthless 1 RUT JUN 570/580 Call
6/19 expire worthless 1 RUT JUN 410/400 Put

Total realized profit is $371
Total risk was $2505
14.8% ROI

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Triple Calendar on SPY (Circus Calendar) Update #2

SPY trade was great this month. Price has landed very close to the 91 strike.

5/19 BTO 4 SPY Jun/Jul 97 Call for $.70
5/19 BTO 4 SPY Jun/Jul 85 Put for $.94
5/19 BTO 4 SPY Jun/Jul 91 Put for $1.12
6/3 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 97 Call for $1.00
6/3 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 85 Put for $1.02
6/3 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 91 Put for $1.47
6/17 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 97 Call for $0.66
6/17 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 85 Put for $1.02
6/17 STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 91 Put for $1.87

Total profit is $304 on $1104 risk for a nice 27.5% ROI

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

RUT Iron Condor Hi Prob June Update #1

The likelihood of this IC reaching max profit is very high however this time to take some profits and not get too greedy. Original position was a 3 contract IC. Will remove 2 contracts today.

BTC 2 RUT JUN 570/580 Call $0.50
BTC 2 RUT JUN 410/400 Put $0.12

Total realized profit is $203.

Triple Calendar on SPY (Circus Calendar) Update #1

SPY has stayed in a nice range for the last few weeks. Its time take some profits off the table. The original position was a 4 contract triple calendar. Will only close half the position to capture some profits. Will let the remain contracts earn some more time decay before closing.

STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 97 Call for $1.00
STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 85 Put for $1.02
STC 2 SPY Jun/Jul 91 Put for $1.47

Total realized profited so far is $146